Name: XXXXXXXX Age: 5 Yrs Religion: XXXX
Presenting Complaints:
Unable to hold up the head, sit, speak and walk since birth
At 5 months of the child’s age, the parents observed that he wasn’t able to hold his head up, and was not able to sit up, therefore they seeked medical advice
Mother’s history:
Child At Birth:
Past History:
Physical Generals:
Thermal reaction: cannot be ascertained, as the child doesn’t express any of his desires, towards chilly as told by his grandmother
Appetite: decreased, cries when hungry
Thirst: Normal, 2-3 glasses/day
Urine: D4-5 N 2-3
Stool: D1-2, N0-1
Sleep: Normal
Desire: N.S. (Rice, Pulses, Salty)
Aversion: Sweet
Perspiration: Normal
Mental Generals : Fear of darkness, lights are switched off after he sleeps, wants someone near him, cries when alone, during sleep there is jerking of lower limbs, also startling from sleep, even from slightest noise and also from loud bangs and thunderstorm
Systemic Examination:
Head: alopecia patch on lt aspect
Eyes: Convergent Squint, Pupilary reactiont to light +, Fundus- +
CNS: Sensation of temp – lost
Spasticity – + All movements
DTR: Brisk
Muscle tone: Increased
Wasting: + B/L
Feet: Plantar flexed
Neck holding: -ve
Sitting with Support: +
Sitting without support: -ve
Recognition of mother and family: +
Social smile: +
Mother’s USG: at 23 weeks, wt: 559gm, Cardiac Rate: 144 bpm, Presentation: Breech, healthy live foetus, USG age corresponding with EDD
NCCT Head: Bilateral frontotemporal atrophy with cystic encephalomalacial changes noted in the underlying white matter and right gangliocapsular region. Ex-vaccu prominence of ventricular system is noted
Treatment History:
28.09.11 | Phos-0/1 /BD/1day | Same |
29.09.11 | Phos-0/1 /BD/1day | Same |
30.09.11 | Phos-0/1 /BD/1day | Irritability > + |
01.10.11 | Phos-0/1 /BD/1day | Irritability > + |
02.10.11 | Phos-0/1 /BD/1day | Irritability > + |
03.10.11 | Phos-0/1 /BD/1day | Irritability > + |
04.10.11 | Phos-0/1 /BD/1day | Irritability > + |
05.10.11 | Phos-0/1 /BD/1day | Irritability > + |
06.10.11 | Phos-0/1 /BD/1day | Irritability > + |
07.10.11 | Phos-0/1 /BD/1day | Irritability > +, holding neck better |